Sunday, March 25, 2012

James Cameron Touches Deepest Part Of Earth’s Oceans Deep Ocean is Own 'Outer Space' 'Titanic' director dives to Earth's deepest spot Ventures Way Under the Sea [James Cameron] Makes Historic Journey Bottom of Cameron's submarine makes successful test point completes Seismic survey at Mariana trench will follow water dragged down into mantle set for a Trench sequel Into abyss A Voyage Inside Plans Dive Film leads race bottom reaches record 7mile ocean depth begins dive sea tourism

Mariana Trench Expedition Peers Deep into Earth Getting to the Mariana Trench, the deepest place on Earth, has captured humanity's imagination for decades — even more so in recent weeks, with news that director James Cameron is on the verge of taking only the second trip in history to the mysterious darkness nearly 7 miles (11 kilometers) beneath the ocean surface. James Cameron Now at Ocean's Deepest Point Stuffed into a "vertical torpedo," the explorer-filmmaker has become the first human to reach the Mariana Trench's Challenger Deep alone. Mariana Trench work peers deep into Earth Getting to the Mariana Trench, the deepest place on Earth, has captured humanity's imagination for decades — even more so in recent weeks, with news that director James Cameron is on the verge of taking only the second trip in history to the mysterious darkness nearly 7 miles (11 kilometers) beneath the ocean surface. James Cameron May Dive Mariana Trench This Weekend, If "Weather Gods" Allow After years of preparation, the filmmaker and explorer may be hours away from diving to the ocean's deepest point, if "weather gods" allow. Director Cameron reaches bottom of Mariana Trench "Titanic" director James Cameron reached the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean in his solo submarine, mission partner the National Geographic said Sunday. Seismic survey at the Mariana trench will follow water dragged down into the Earth's mantle Seismologists have just returned from a cruise in the Western Pacific to lay the instruments for a seismic survey that will follow the water chemically bound to or trapped in the down-diving Pacific Plate at the Mariana trench, the deep trench to which Avatar director James Cameron is poised to plunge. 'Titanic' director James Cameron dives to Earth's deepest spot Cameron is using a submarine to descend nearly seven miles to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific. The pressure below is the equivalent of three SUVs sitting on your toe. Cameron reaches bottom of Mariana Trench Titanic director James Cameron has reached the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean in his solo submarine, reaching a depth of 10,898 metres. James Cameron Mariana Trench Dive: Director Reaches Deepest Spot On Earth HONOLULU — Director James Cameron has made it to Earth's deepest point. The director of "Titanic" and other films used a specially designed submarine called "Deepsea Challenger" to dive nearly seven miles. Russian Eyes Mariana Trench as Cameron Prepares to Dive Russia is joining the race to reach the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest ocean crevice on Earth, famous explorer Artur Chilingarov has said.
Key Words: mariana trench


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